Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Why Youth Mission Trips Matter...

This summer our youth groups are traveling to Kansas City for two amazing Mission Trip experiences. As our youth and families prepare for these trips with the support of the congregation, it is a great opportunity for us to reflect together on why mission trips are important, and what we hope to accomplish through these summer experiences.
One of the many reasons mission trips are so powerful is because of the work that we get to do. Through painting a building, leading children's programming or working at a community organization, students transform the lives of others. They impact a community in a tangible way for the better and experience firsthand what it is like to be the hands and feet of Christ.

One of questions that these trips might raise is, "If our mission trip is all about repairing homes, or community service or teaching kids, why can't we just do this here?"After all, almost any of the work we'll do in Kansas City could be done where we live. There are certainly a number of communities in the bay area that need these kinds of services. But youth mission trips aren’t just about what we’re doing. They’re about the whole process of inviting teens to step outside their comfort zone to create space for them to experience God.

By travelling out of state, we are able to get away from the routines of our familiar environment. This distance forces us to step outside of the boundaries of our comfort zones, and allows us to leave behind distractions and busy schedules. Let’s face it, when you try to do a project locally this is often the response: "Sure I can be there…except Tuesday when my Mom needs me to take my brother to swim lessons. Oh, and Wednesday coach wants us in the weight room by one so I’ll just be there in the morning. Or "My boss won’t let me off Thursday and Friday my friends are taking off early to go to Tommy’s parents lake house. But I can be there the rest of the week." Or "I’ll be there but I’m coming late every day ‘cause I promised my Dad I’d clean out the garage." While the commitments of work, school, sports, friends, family and other activities are important, sometimes stepping away from those commitments can be even more significant. When you go away from home you cut the connection, so you can be challenged in new ways. Being a thousand miles away eliminates all the excuses and allows for space to connect with people and with God in deep and unexpected ways.

In Kansas City, we will be serving again with the YouthWorks mission company. YouthWorks partners with local community organizations to create opportunities for various kinds of service that are designed to challenge teenagers. These opportunities vary from week to week and site to site, depending on the particular needs of the community. Projects include
various painting and rehabilitation projects, facilitating a Kids Club program or partnering with other organizations working to meet community needs. Whatever we are doing in Kansas City, students will have the opportunity to experience a place and culture different from their own, and experience first hand what it means to change the world. At YouthWorks, everyone who participates in ministry projects is divided into small teams. These teams mean that, not only are they connecting with God and with the needs of the community, these students are connecting with each other.

The power of a mission trip isn’t found in any one element. It’s not just the work or the travel or the time or the distance. A mission trip becomes much more than the sum of its parts when all the parts are put together. I have led several youth mission trips in the past, and each and every time I have seen the lives of the young people transformed. We all come back feeling closer to God, more passionate about service, and deeply bonded to one another. I want to thank everyone at St. John's for all your amazing support of our young people and all that you are doing to help these mission trips happen! With your presence, prayers, encouragement and donations, you are making these life-changing trips possible.

When we are on the trips in June, we will be updating this blog with pictures and stories, so you can experience everything right along with us. You can stay even more connected by posting your encouragement, prayers and reactions in the comments. I can't wait for all of us to take this amazing adventure together.

Friday, March 18, 2011

hi guys!

I am so excited to be joining the staff at St. John's as Youth and Family Minister. Already, I have experienced your hospitality and excitement, and I am getting a taste of what a joy it is to be a part of this community. Until I graduate and finish my current Field Education work, my time here will be primarily limited to just Tuesday mornings and Fridays. I am, of course, very much looking forward to joining staff full-time in May, but until then, I hope to meet as many of you as possible even during this part-time transition. I hope you will e-mail me to set up at time to chat or stop by so we can get to know each other!

My husband, Kyle, and I relocated to the bay area almost two years ago. We both have Midwestern roots and we met in Seminary in Kansas City. Then, in 2009, we moved to Berkeley where I have been finishing my Masters of Divinity and Kyle began his PhD work in Systematic Theology. We love California, and are excited to move over to this side of the Bay in May, and be a part of the beautiful Marin community.

I am on the track for ordination in the United Methodist Church, and graduating seminary this May. I love serving in the church, and seeing the way that God moves in people's lives and transforms the world through us. I'm especially passionate about working with families and young people -- their energy and passion always inspire me. I can't tell you enough how excited I am to begin my journey as a full-time minister here in Ross after graduation.

During the coming weeks, please let me know if you have ideas about youth ministry, or if you want to brainstorm, pray together, or just hang out and talk. I'm looking forward to getting to know each of you!

During this part-time transition Jeremy and I will both be checking the youth@stjohnsross.org e-mail address. You can help us keep track of our e-mails by putting "To Katie" in the subject of anything that is for me. Thanks!

With warm blessings,