Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Fun on the Plaza

In addition to experiencing amazing service work throughout Kansas City, MO, each night the Jr High group gets to experience fun and fellowship. On Monday we had an awesome time completing a photo scavenger hunt on the Plaza. The Plaza is a beautiful part of the city featuring incredible Spanish architecture and gorgeous fountains. It was such a great time to just laugh and play together.

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Sunday, June 26, 2011

Love One Another

The power of a Mission Trip experience is not just in the way we experience God or the way we serve others, it's also in the way the group bonds together and loves one another. One of the most moving experiences of the whole week is Thursday night, when we take time to wash the feet of each member of the group and lift prayers for them. The youth have the opportunity to say what they are thankful for in each person in the group and as a community we surround each person in prayer. Listening to those prayers, I felt so blessed to be a part of such a beautiful community of young people. After spending all day every day together, you might expect the group to lose patience with one another, or be annoyed. But instead, the words I heard were patient and kind. Our group saw the best and each other and beautifully expressed the way they see God's presence in each person in the group.

Finally, on Friday after a week of hard work we had time to celebrate and enjoy each others' company with a morning of fun exploring Kansas City, and enjoying some local BBQ. It was great to just laugh, eat, talk and play together after such an exhausting and amazing week of service.

“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”-John 13:34-35

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Thursday, June 23, 2011

Unearthing Glory

This week at least half off the work we do is work projects. This means we don't just play with kids or work at community organizations. We get down our knees and get dirty weeding. We sweat in the hot sun painting and repairing. We labor and hope to be a part of a real, material transformation through our work.

Interestingly, these have been some of the most rewarding projects of the week. Through one day of working, we turned what appearing to be an overgrown empty lot, into a small community park. As we pulled a jungle of weeds, threw away debris, and mowed the grass, we unearthed a beautiful stone path that we didn't even know was there. The smooth shiny slabs of rock were nothing short of glorious. I couldn't help thinking that as we participate in the restoration of this community, even if it's only in a small way, we are also restoring something in ourselves. With each day of service we are unearthing a little more of the Glory of God that dwells in each of us.

"If you offer your food to the hungry and satisfy the needs of the afflicted, then your light shall rise in the darkness and your gloom be like the noonday. The Lord will guide you continually, and satisfy your needs in parched places, and make your bones strong; and you shall be like a watered garden like a spring of water,whose waters never fail. Your ancient ruins shall be rebuilt; you shall raise up the foundations of many generations;you shall be called the repairer of the breach,the restorer of streets to live in. "
-from Isaiah 58

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The Joy of a Child

Over the past several days, we've been able to spend a lot of time with kids. It is amazing to experience wonder through their eyes. They are so ready and willing to love and be loved. As our group has played with them, and helped them read, make art projects and play games, we are able to catch a glimpse of their child-like joy.

I have been inspired by the way our youth are willing to give so tirelessly to the kids even when they are worn out. At the community BBQ last night I watched them play soccer, push swings, give piggy-back rides, and make silly faces for hours, and watching such playful, overflowing love I saw a piece of the Kingdom of God.

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The Dance of Grace

On Tuesday night, we worshipped at the incredible church where we are staying. I cannot say how inspirational it is to see how this church in a struggling urban community, had flung open it's doors and embraced the community. As soon as the church unlocks it's doors neighbor kids are here. The families who worship here have such a love for this place that they linger long and always ask how they can help.

At the service we experienced their bi-lingual worship. It was beautiful to hear the words translated and to sing songs of praise in another language, even if our poor Spanish skills caused us to stumble.

The worship band had an uncontainable joy that was contagious. After worship ended, the band kept playing, and the front of the church turned into an impromptu dance party. Fr. Steve and I were blessed to be pulled into the dance by a Columbian woman who smiled and laughed as she held our hands and spun us around. As Steve put it, she was God for us in that moment. She didn't ask us to dance, she just pulled us in. And for those minutes of dancing with pure joy with a stranger who had no reason to show us such love, we experienced an amazing picture of God's dance of divine grace.

Here are a few pictures of the dance party, though it was hard to get a good shot since everyone was so exuberantly moving.

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Monday, June 20, 2011

Kids Club

Today was our first day of service at the site. Already, we are bonding with the other people on our teams and seeing how amazing it is to serve in the community. On my team, Rosie, Charlotte, Julia, Michael and Jeremy along with 5 people from a church in Illinois worked at Kids Club. It was an awesome morning playing with some really sweet kids. We sang songs, played games, made crafts, and helped the kids with other activities. It's so beautiful to see how much we mean to the kids even after just one morning. As Rosie was saying goodbye, the kids were already asking when she would be back and telling her that they would miss her.

After kids club, we spent part of the afternoon sorting canned food at Center of Hope, a really incredible local food pantry that feeds 600 families each year.

Finally, we spent time walking and praying for the community.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

We have arrived!

We've made it to Kansas City safely, and we are super excited for the awesome week ahead... Even if we are a little exhausted after a 4am meet time this morning. After landing, we had time to enjoy some great local Mexican food for lunch before heading to the church. At the church we are spending the evening playing games, getting to know other groups, worshipping and going through orientation. Later this evening we'll get our service assignments and learn about where we'll be working the rest of the week! Everyone is excited and energized even without much sleep :) we can tell already that there are great things to come this week.

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